The learning process is carried out through lectures, course assignments, coursework and a course project, laboratory and practical exercises, which ends with a current assessment or exam. The Department of Mechanical Science, Machine Elements and Engineering Graphics is the first in the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", which applies test control to check the level of knowledge of the students acquired in the laboratory exercises. As a form of working with the good students, Olympics in Engineering Graphics and quizzes in Machine Elements are held, through which deepening and consolidation of the acquired knowledge in the educational process is achieved.
The department maintains a library of standards and prospectuses, models and models, software products that are directly related to the educational process and scientific research work in order to help students and teachers.
The relationship between science and production was realized in the department in 1972 with the establishment of close interaction with the Ministry of Health "Modul" - town of Byala, where in the period 1972 - 1976 production was modernized and new ranges of reducers were developed: RCR; RCS; RCN, RC and DRC and engine - planetary reducers. Later, new families of cylindrical two-stage and three-stage motor-reducers, bevel-cylindrical and cylindrical reducers with a high degree of unification and a family of wave reducers with high load capacity and large transmission ratios were developed. Many professors from the department participate in solving various technical tasks together with specialists from private engineering companies from the region and Bulgaria.
In order to solve the problems that are particularly important for the country in the field of drives of machines and equipment, by order No. 1655/27th September, 1975, the Industry Research Laboratory for Gearbox Construction (IRLGC) was established. By order No. A-1073/27th December, 1978 of the SCS at IrLGC, a State Laboratory for functional and reliability testing of reducers and general-purpose gear motors for driving machines and equipment was legalized.
The department has three main directions:
• Direction Mechanical Science and Machine Elements;
• Direction Engineering Graphics;
• Field of Physics.
In 1975, the Department of Mechanical Engineering (now "Mechanical Science, Machine Elements and Engineering Graphics and Physics") opened the Industrial Research Laboratory for Gearbox Construction (RLGC) as a research unit of Scientific Research Sector for the service of the Mechanical Engineering branch with the base enterprise MZ "MODUL" "- town of Byala, specializing in the production of reducers and variators. The scientific team, with the accumulation of many years of professional experience and with the improvement of qualifications, expanded the scope of the laboratory's activities.
Main Problems
Scientific service to companies in the field of
Mechanical drive systems in:
- - Mechanical Engineering - for general and special purposes;
- - Energy;
- - The Chemical Industry;
- - The Production and Mining of Inert Materials and Raw Materials;
- - The Food Industry;
- - Agricultural Machinery and Animal Husbandry;
- - Transport Equipment;
- - The Production of Liquid fuels and Oils;
- - The Textile Industry;
- - Ecology and Environmental Protection;
- Design of Gears with Computer program systems;
- • Optimization of Gear Parameters by Creating geometric, Force and Parametric contours;
- • Practical Implementation of Program products (software) for the design of Involute gears and reducers;
- Design and manufacture of:
- - Reducers, Gear motors and Variators for General and Special purposes;
- - Elements of Cylindrical, Conical, Planetary and Worm gears;
- - Elements of chain and belt gears and variators;
- - Drive systems for Automatic Production lines;
- - Drives from Treatment plants and Facilities;
- - Single and Small series drives;
- - Appliances, Devices and Stands, compliant with the eco-parameters of European standards;
- - Engineering activity in the field of mechanical drives;
- • Development of laboratory stands for research and testing of machine elements;
- Creation and updating of a library of standardization, etc. normative documents under the ESKD and the ESD.