The pedagogical education in Ruse has a rich history and traditions. The University of Ruse has been a leading scientific and methodical centre in the field of pedagogical education in Northern Bulgaria for decades.
The Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and History is part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education and is responsible for the training of
students in professional direction 1.2. Pedagogy in the following specialties:

Primary school pedagogy and foreign language (English) – regular education
Professional qualification: pedagogue - primary teacher.
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters).
The main goal of the training in the specialty Primary school pedagogy and foreign language is to prepare bachelors with high professional qualifications who are able to plan, implement and creatively lead the educational process in primary school, to organize the individual education of children from 7 to 10 years.
Preschool and primary school pedagogy - full-time and part-time education
- Professional qualification: pedagogue - children's teacher; pedagogue - primary teacher.
- Full-time study period: 4 years (8 semesters).
- Duration of part-time study: 4.5 years (9 semesters).
- The main goal of training in the Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy specialty is to prepare qualified specialists who can competently and creatively lead the educational process with children from 3 to 7 years of age and from 7 to 10 years of age.
Social pedagogy - full-time and part-time education
- Professional qualification: social pedagogue.
- Full-time study period: 4 years (8 semesters).
- Duration of part-time study: 4.5 years (9 semesters).
- The main goal of training in the Social Pedagogy specialty is to prepare qualified specialists who can improve and develop the system of social-pedagogical services in the context of the diverse and deepening educational problems in today's society.
• Pedagogical crime prevention and probation practices;
• Social-pedagogical work with children and families;
• Social-pedagogical activities;
• Preschool and primary school pedagogy (for those with higher education).
As a teaching unit, the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and History trains doctoral students in the accredited doctoral programs Theory of Education and Didactics and History of Bulgaria.
The lecturers from the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and History actively participate in the educational process concerning the training in pedagogical and psychological disciplines at the branch of the University of Ruse in Silistra. The teaching staff of the department provides a significant part of the training of the students specializing in the acquisition of teaching qualifications at the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Ruse.
The academic staff of the department consists of thirteen professors, including one professor, six associate professors, five main assistant doctors, one assistant doctor; six PhD students and one administrative secretary.
There is also a rich scientific research activity of the professors who conduct the training and scientifically supervise the students and doctoral students. The issues developed by them refer to modern educational trends in the field of pedagogy, psychology and history. The teachers participate in a number of research projects and scientific forums at home and abroad. As a result of this activity, numerous publications are available in the country and abroad.