The Department
- is responsible for training students from the degree programmes in "Management and Maintenance of Machinery" and "Agricultural Engineering" for educational and qualification degrees Bachelor and Master;
- teaches students from the degree programmes in "Agrarian Engineering", "Transport Management and Technology", "Transport Vehicles and Technologies", "Еcology and Conservation", etc.;
- teaches PhD students in the fields of: Machinery Maintenance and Repair; Chemical Technologies; Theory of Mechanisms and Machines; Fork-lift Trucks.
The Department team works in the following fields of research:
Strategies for machine and equipment maintenance; Reliability, diagnostics and monitoring of machines; Resource recovering technologies; Tribological tests of preventive and recovery coatings; Utilisation of materials in machine maintenance; Plastic lubricants; Composite materials; Synthetic resins and oils; Bio-fuels and vegetable oil by-products; Synthesis of friction modificators; Synthesis of lever mechanisms; Synthesis of gear mechanisms and geometry of toothing; Molding of gear wheels; Computer-aided design of mechanisms and molding processes; Research, design and expert evaluation of fork-lift trucks; Development and research of friction materials and units for the needs of fork-lift trucks.
The qualification and the structure of the research and teaching team in the Department guarantee the quality of both teaching and research. State-of-the-art facilities are available for efficient teaching, aided by sufficient number of advanced textbooks, guidebooks, teaching aids and additional literature.
The teaching content is constantly upgraded in compliance with the trends and development of maintenance and recovery technologies in the developed countries, the reliability and management in these areas, while at the same time taking into account the reality in our country. This facilitates the realisation of our students in the respective fields.