The Department of "Materials Science and Technology" (MST) is one of the earliest established at the University of Ruse. Over the years of its existence, it has made a significant contribution to the training of specialists in the field of Materials Science and Technology. More than 1,000 specialists have received higher education in the staff of the department. The department's developments in the field of vacuum processing of materials, innovative methods of plastic deformation, and welding, including the use of non-conventional energy sources (explosive energy) are well known in the country and abroad. The department of MST is an incubator for many business and research entities that implement research ideas in practice. There are many research, industrial and educational projects implemented over the years in cooperation with universities in Russia, Great Britain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ireland,
By participating in international projects such as TEMPUS, Erasmus, etc., the staff of the department tries to guarantee a modern and up-to-date educational process aimed at satisfying the growing needs of specialists in the field of modern materials processing technologies. Some of the important international projects in which the department participated are as follows: TEMPUS JEP: New Methods in Teaching Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
- Tempus JEP: Management in the Metallurgical Industry
- SARE - Incorporation of New Technologies in the European Precision Casting Industry (GIRT -2001-05049)
- 4M - Multi-materials Micro Manufacture Network of Excellence
- Metal Forming Simulation of Ultra Fine-Grained Aluminum Alloys, funded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria, D002-158/2008
- EUMINAFab - Integrating EU Research Infrastructures for MN Fabrication of Functional Structures and Devices out of a Knowledge Based Multifunctional Repertoire FP7-226460.
The department provides a dynamic and stimulating environment for teaching and research, with access to qualified specialists and appropriate equipment.
The technological education at the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" began in 1954 by the part-time teachers Stefan Popsavov, Ivan Dimitrov and Raphael Beraha.
The beginning of the future Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1957 with the founding of the "Technology and Metal Processing" department, headed by Dr. Valcho Michev, teachers and assistants Eng. Bogomil Antonov, Eng. Stanislav Stamenov, Eng. Nako Nakov, engineer Yakim Yakimov and technician Vasil Dimitrov.
In 1972, the department "Technology and Processing of Metals" was divided and the departments "Metal science and Technology of Metals" were founded, later named the department "Materials Science and Technology of Metals" and "Technology of Mechanical Engineering and Metal Cutting Machines", and in 1992 part of the professors founded the "Metrology and Quality in Mechanical Engineering" department. In 2000, the departments "Metrology and Quality in Mechanical Engineering" and "Technology of Mechanical Engineering and Metal Cutting Machines" were merged and the current department "Technology of Mechanical Engineering and Metal Cutting Machines" was formed. In addition to these two departments "Engineering Technology and Metal Cutting Machines" and "Materials Science and Materials Technology", the faculty also includes the "Technical Mechanics" department.