The Faculty
of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation
(Faculty of EEEA)
Study of electrical engineering subjects at the University of Ruse began in 1954.
The degree course of Electrification of Agriculture was initiated by a Decree of the Council of Ministers, No 208/21.05.1966., and in 1974 the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electrification of Agriculture with new degree courses – Electrical Power Engineering, Automation of Production and Computational Machines was established. The rapid development of advanced technologies in the field of electrical engineering and electronic industries required the reorganization of the faculty in 1984 into a Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation and it became the largest educational unit of the University.

Over the last five years about 1177 full-time and part-time students have been trained at the FEEEA annually. 64 highly qualified lecturers are involved in the teaching, including 6 professors, 31 associate professors, 3 doctors of science, 61 doctors of Engineering and 28 PhD students. 8 technical staff are actively engaged in supporting the teaching activities.